Scott M. Williams (D.Phil. Oxford)

Dr. Williams is Associate Professor of Philosophy at UNC Asheville. Prof. Williams’s research interests include medieval philosophy and theology, philosophy of religion, and philosophy/theology of disability. He is currently working on several book projects. One is about the scholastic theologian, Henry of Ghent and it is called Henry of Ghent on the Trinity. Another is The Trinity in the Cambridge University Press Elements Series. The third is Unity of Essence But Trinity of Persons: Conciliar Trinitarianism and Analytic Theology, to be published by Wipf & Stock. He edited the book, Disability in Medieval Christian Philosophy and Theology (Routledge, 2020).

In addition to teaching and writing about philosophy and theology, he is an avid gardener.

Favorite Philosophers: Ones who value logic, don’t confuse logic with metaphysics or epistemology, who are sensitive to the history of ideas, who have some insight about social ontology, and help me to have a better grasp and feel for things that matter.
Email: swillia8 at unca dot edu


Eliza-Hope Lindsay

Eliza-Hope Lindsay is a Charlotte, NC native and UNCA sophomore studying Psychology and Creative Writing.  Eliza-Hope loves live music, spending time in nature, writing, and learning new things! She was first introduced to theory through Lincoln-Douglas debate in high school and has been exploring thought and the history of thought in and outside of the classroom since. She believes that the ability to think critically about the conceptual and physical alongside willingness to engage in productive, challenging dialogue is one of the most valuable skillsets a person can have- everyone can benefit from taking a philosophy class! Discourse is fun!
 “Our life is what our thoughts make it.”- Marcus Aurelius
Email: elindsa1 at unca dot edu