Week 6: Wednesday, February 15th

How do you decide what to believe? You might think that you should only believe something if you know why it is true. Socrates thought that we should question absolutely everything and not rest until we know our beliefs lie on a secure foundation. In this class, we’ll consider Socrates’ approach to the good life. And we’ll debate whether there are some beliefs we shouldn’t question at the risk of destabilizing ourselves, our relationships … maybe even our form of government. 

By the end of class, you will:

1. Know what “Socratic Ignorance” is and why Socrates thought it was a virtue.

2. Understand the Socratic Method (elenchus) and be able to perform the method on others.

3. Articulate the role that you think pursuit of the truth should play in the good life.


Philosophical Text: Interactive Essay on the Apology of Socrates (Plato)

Application Text: C. Thi Nguyen, “Escape the Echo Chamber” (Aeon)



Consider the following questions, write your responses in your journal, and talk about them with a friend:

1. Socrates says that the unexamined life is not worth living. What does this mean? Do you think it is true? (Can you think of examples of unexamined lives that are good, or examined lives that aren’t good?)

2. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the power of reasoned arguments to change minds? Even if arguments don’t typically change minds, are there other rational ways to change minds?

3. How might BS harm those who BS? How might BS harm those who are given BS (by family members, friends, teachers)?

4. According to Nguyen, what is the difference between one’s being in an “echo chamber” and one’s being in an “epistemic bubble”? Reflect on these two concepts and consider how they might apply to your own life.